Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Boyfriend Application

First name, middle, and last.
Date of Birth.
Current location of residence.
Write legibly.

I'm looking for a man.
Do you fit the following requirements?
If you make it all the way through,
I may consider hiring you.

Five feet, seven inches to six feet, four inches tall.
Blond, brown, black hair, not gray.
Green, blue, brown, hazel, true eyes.
Straight teeth that love to smile.

Average build, a few extra pounds, some muscle.
Hard chest, for me to sleep on.
A large stomach, to eat and drink.
A mind and body to satisfy me.

Educated with a college degree,
a good job that allows free time.
Family oriented, very important.
No kids yet, but wants them eventually.

Sense of humor, make me laugh.
Sensitive, capable of expressing feelings.
Caring, concern of how I feel.
Supportive, of my dreams and goals.

Cheaters, need not apply.
Commitment, to be with me and only me.
Argue, don't always agree, put up a playful fight.

Take me on adventures,
drink beer and play poker,
spoon with me even if we aren't making love,
watch lifetime with me and like it.

Tell me you miss me,
don't lie to me,
tell me you "love me" and mean it,
don't quit when times get tough.

Applicant Signature here/ date.

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